Category Archives: football

The Passion of the Cripes

If you’ve watched an England game on telly this World Cup, apart from a feeling of ennui matched only it seems by Emile Heskey as he spends another match mostly inhaling the pitch, you’ll have gained two things: The knowledge that what the England team lack is passion, monotone decide-to-be-Irish pundit Andy Townsend will have […]

What did I just join again?

I noticed today, not sure how long it’s been going on, that you can now (if you’re an admin) change the name of a Facebook group. You didn’t used to be able to, which is one reason there are so many groups with typos or spelling mistakes in the names. I thought this was a […]

4 chan

Chris Poole, a.k.a. moot, is the creator of – the Washinton Post explores how come he doesn’t make any money.  Something I can associate with.

That’s me being furious, that is

Fury at matches abroad – Birmingham Mail – thank god that the awful picture of me didn’t make the online version.


Facebook Group Previous Rant 

David Gold and friends decide that the concept of league football is over

“It’s a great chance for your brand” said David Gold, Chairman of Birmingham City, about the plan to destroy the concept of league football and play one Premier League game abroad per team, per season. “The Premier League, which is the greatest league the world has ever known, is being adventurous, looking forward, looking to […]

You don’t need exclusive info to see that team are crap and the shirt ugly

New England Away shirt released – with ‘QR’ technology: – Keep your shirt on England’s rich heritage is married with revolutionary technology by incorporating a QR (Quick Read) code into the shirt’s label. This effectively serves to bring the shirt to life, enabling fans to access a unique QR website. Upon photographing the code […]

Craig Johnson is angry

We should be too.

Camp New

This is Sir Norman Foster’s plan for FC Barcelona’s stadium, the Nou Camp – a brilliant echo of Gaudi’s Parc Güell, and it’ll all be built around the current stadium. Not only that, it won’t cause disruption to any of the team’s fixtures – why can’t we do architectural renewal like this? Image nicked from […]

Mailbox – Bang and Olufsen

Mailbox – Bang and Olufsen Originally uploaded by bounder I know they only seem to sell kit to professional footballers (a guy that worked there once told me that that month they’d only sold one system to Lee Hendrie) – but a big advert featuring Ken Bates?