Monthly Archives: June 2008

Tweets for Today

08:17 I has a chumby. Yay. # 10:03 Last day for adding photos to The Big Picture (flickr users go to the organiser and tag all your images "bigpicture2008", please) # 16:42 nut-job email – I" am looking on your site for the post code for Birmingham Bus station, please can you advise as site […]

Tweets for Today

09:14 Irridecent penguin shaped thermos has arrived in post. Don’t remember ordering it, did anyone send it to me? # 13:04 wondering if I should bother to wire up music for outside especialy or just turn speakers up loud. # Squidged out by LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

05:36 cats are up early today, so of course am I. No point sleeping now bin men will be here in ten mins. # 08:43 Mullaney’s Central Library plan beware I told him about Google Earth yesterday, he’ll be city planning all day and night # Squidged out by LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

21:13 Birmingham Future ‘debate’ was odd, I’m still definately "outside the tent", no-one laughed at my penguin joke # 21:30 Gobble gobble # 22:26 LOL magnets make you glad you bought a steel coffee table. Magntes ftw!!1!1 # 23:02 oh and Socrates. He’s got a medical degree. And Camus, and Neils Bhor. # 23:08 although […]

Tweets for Today

18:40 is gmail down? # 18:46 nope seems to be ultra-slow interweb on Virgin cable, had to go to 3G to send some mail… # 09:46 piece of mine in the Post propper (and only one flightly metaphor subbed out), being a Central Library appollogisgt # 12:05 Gordon Brown’s intonation (like his premiership) is […]

Tweets for Today

00:32 gay hairdressers from the future. FTA!!! Woot # 10:14 We may have to start having bloggers meet-ups at venues without beer. Feel shoddy and have to do some TV at 12 # 15:19 Facebook SPAM from a text link company, LinkLift. Another compelling reason to leave # 16:12 Thanks all for the linkage. […]

Tweets for Today

12:52 have a meeting in hockleythat will probably finish at about 5, if i head strarght to the Flapper (about 5.30 i guess) will anyone be around? # 17:18 just got to the flapper. Sitting outside. # Squidged out by LoudTwitter

Miss Baskerville T-Shirt

Miss Baskerville T-Shirt “Each Typewoman is created entirely with type (letters, punctuation, ligatures) in the typeface of their namesake and sit atop a pattern created with the same. No letterform has been skewed, stretched, flipped or any other bastardizing technique — just scaling at rotating. So the letters are pure as the driven snow!”

Tweets for Today

23:49 Teh loz continues # 09:44 as the lolcats would say TEH Who live at leeds. perfect soundtrack to mapping Brum Post Office Closures # 12:56 Mullaney FM, I so want to listen but I have to go to Lidil. No spoilers please # 15:18 Mullaney FM is good, could do with not playing […]

Yeast based cultural (ha pun!) assessments

Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! I’m completely indifferent to marmite, or vegemite, although I quite like twiglets (which are nought but stale marmitey wotsits). I don’t love it or hate it. I do hate people who say “I’m like marmite me, you either love me or you hate me”, mainly because the sort of people who […]