Category Archives: birminghamuk

Map of Birmingham— Inebriance Survey

Map of Birmingham: Inebriance Survey 2011 PDF Now that is what I call a map. Every pub in Birmingham as available from the Open Street Map XAPI (on 6/1/11), for use as a navigational aid. Plotted as a mapless map with Maperitive, and text tided up in Illustrator, no data was added or removed (except […]

Someone Once Told Me

Here I am, looking a little grumpy, as part of Mario Cacciottolo’s really rather lovely ‘Someone Once Told Me‘ project.

Investigative Journalism

Is this ‘unique’ or are the media keeping people dumb?

The Birmingham Mail covered this exchange on Pete Ashton’s blog, which is good — it’s a story. To sum up, an advertising company working on behalf of the Rep Theatre were using reverse graffiti, they — mistakenly one would assume — used it on a monument (that it’s a monument isn’t immediately obvious, if you don’t […]

Yahoo’s When isn’t so hot on where

Supposedly “hyperlocal” thing from Yahoo, hasn’t quite got the “local” bit, yet. Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

Susan Boyle Swine Flu Sex and MPs

Local MP Sion Simon (finding his way on Twitter) ReTweeted a (vaguely amusing, but not ear-shatteringly funny) witicism: “I’m not saying Susan Boyle caused swine flu. I’m just saying that nobody had swine flu, she sang on TV, people got swine flu.” It’s about Now Show standard, topical, smirk-worthy rather than a belly-laugh — what […]

Google’s magic anus

Created by the way Google has stitched two of its Street View panoramas in Smethwick, take the advert for a filum and a moving bus and, oops:

Google Street View fly-by

Using a route planner for Google Maps, and a screen capture app to capture the screen. This is sort of what it would look like to drive from King’s Heath towards the town centre — the route was going further, but there were gaps in which roads were covered by Street View.

First cat on Google Streetview UK – and it’s Felix from next door

I thought I’d got myself on the the Google Streetview, but they must have taken photos going both ways up our road. They did capture young Felix from next door. I’m loving going round spotting things, more soon.


I’ve just had a email inviting me to be in The17 for a “performance” in April (St George’s Day). I’m stupidly excited.