Monthly Archives: March 2007

Pie Day

Pork Pie In A Bow Tie : originally uploaded by bounder. today is Pie Day.

up yer Brum – it’s Digg for Brum

up yer Brum is my latest project, the idea originally was simply a sort of ‘Brum Blogs’ aggregator, but it’s got a lot more complicated. The front page shows items on the web (technorati,, flickr, youtube )tagged ‘upyerbrum’ – as well as the most popular links already submitted – and lets people vote on […]

the blogging virus

I don’t seem to be able to stop blogging. Not much here, I grant, but there’s the B:INS blog (which has really been running in one form or another for about 4 years), The Kitten Channel (which is mostly pictures of kittens), and a new one which I’m not going to link to until it […]