Category Archives: music

Beermat Art

My submission to the Beermat Show. Thanks to EAP and those that told me their favourite drunk euphemisms.

One Sunday, and Saturday, with Sidie

I really can’t put my finger on where I first came across Frank Sidebottom, logic would dictate that I’d have spied him on one of his regular appearances on Number 73 but there aren’t any memories I can dredge up. I know I watched it every so often, but apart from the theme tune there’s […]

My new music blog

fuckyeahobscuretunes where I’m going to try to post an obscure tune a day.

Wire And Punk

“Wire were always at odds with the rest of the late 70s punks. In today’s extract from Wilson Neate’s 33 1/3 book on Pink Flag, we find out why”The Quietus | Features | Tome On The Range | On Wire And Punk: An Extract From The 33 1/3 Book On Pink Flag


I’ve just had a email inviting me to be in The17 for a “performance” in April (St George’s Day). I’m stupidly excited.

What made me weird

I know I’m weird, most people are but it takes a bit of self awareness and a sort of forthright bravery to admit it. Inspired by this blog post, here’s five things that made me weird: Monty Python — or the realisation that humour didn’t need to be dumb at least.  It’s probably the ‘Marxism […]

Half Map Half Biscuit

A map of everywhere mentioned in a Half Man Half Biscuit song. Genuis psychogeography.


Have the look of the band of 2009 – as imagined in a British film from the early nineties. They’re various old punk scenesters playing the future Jesus and Mary chain. The set is straight from Jude Law’s forgotten dystopian master-work ‘Shopping’ – desolate monolithic council flats rumble bass and flash neon. They’ve only got […]

Momus on Matt McGinn

Scottish songwriter and aesthete Momus on Matt McGinn — “communist, atheist, republican, and perhaps Scotland’s most interesting satirical songwriter” [youtube:]

MJ Hibbett – The Advent Calendar Of FACT

YouTube – The Advent Calendar Of FACT