Tag Archives: internet

Beermat Art

My submission to the Beermat Show. Thanks to EAP and those that told me their favourite drunk euphemisms.


moar funny pictures I almost burst in the hurry to make this one.

please unsubscribe me from your internet

From the great Neatorama: Mike Duncan’s company got this fantastic letter from a woman named Joyce who wanted to be unsubscribed from “his internet” because, she wrote, “My internet gets too full all the time”.

Dial – a – rant

Mark Steadman, of the New Media Junkie podcast has had a great idea – and has just gone out and “f–ing done it” (his phrase). It’s Dial-a-rant – a free-by-skype (or normal call charge) answering machine. You phone up, vent your spleen, then go online to claim your bile. You’ve then got a direct link […]

Twenty questions

I did a quick interview with the Bostin website, if you have five minutes spare and are intrigued by the concept of bjornborgbaggiesbaggies.net then it may be worth your time.

Hot Manatee on Glass Action

Been laughing at this manatee for some time, but felt it needed a touch of synth-pop.

Select the kittens

Microsoft have released a proper cat captcha programme (catcha?). Thanks to the now back, oh how you’ve been missed, D’log.