Category Archives: writing

Why I’m about to spend two weeks in a car in the name of art

I write, you know, it’s sort of the core of loads of stuff I do—writing is a founding block of good social web engagement which is where I get most of my living from. It’s also part of teaching or training in a way, you need to be able to construct narratives and find the […]

Funny, ha ha.

The ability to make people laugh has always been something that is fairly central to my personality. I’m not entirely sure why, but it wasn’t for cliched make-the-bullies-laugh at school reasons, because I did—and they still hit me.  That was a lot more to do with me being obviously poorer and shyer in a school […]

The King and I — my Elvis Marathon.

Pleased to have one less thing in common with the Wonder Stuff, I do love Elvis. I love the hillbilly cat and the jumpsuited entertainer, and to prevent disillusionment I find it fairly easy to avoid watching the films — it’s not as if they are in heavy rotation on our mainstream channels these days. […]

One Sunday, and Saturday, with Sidie

I really can’t put my finger on where I first came across Frank Sidebottom, logic would dictate that I’d have spied him on one of his regular appearances on Number 73 but there aren’t any memories I can dredge up. I know I watched it every so often, but apart from the theme tune there’s […]

The Passion of the Cripes

If you’ve watched an England game on telly this World Cup, apart from a feeling of ennui matched only it seems by Emile Heskey as he spends another match mostly inhaling the pitch, you’ll have gained two things: The knowledge that what the England team lack is passion, monotone decide-to-be-Irish pundit Andy Townsend will have […]

World Cup Willies

I had a little bit of a paddy on Twitter yesterday after a slew of people were moaning about “the football”. “The football” in this instance being a fairly easily avoidable pre-World Cup friendly (the pubs would not have been packed, it was isolated on ITV). I just didn’t see how it was worthy of […]

The Electric, Birmingham

The Electric, Birmingham Originally uploaded by new folder

Why haven’t newspaper clichés evolved?

There’s a lovely new site doing the rounds called Glum Councillors it’s dedicated to collecting: “images of councillors looking glum whilst pointing at holes in the road, wearing hard hats or presenting oversized cheques.” Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! Sites like this and Lolitics are parodying the politicians (and wanabees) — but the poses and the […]

hooves up!

hooves up! Originally uploaded by bounder

WWIII Propaganda: Torrent Your MP3s

WWIII Propaganda: Torrent Your MP3s Originally uploaded by Brian Lane Winfield Moore