Tag Archives: comedy

Funny, ha ha.

The ability to make people laugh has always been something that is fairly central to my personality. I’m not entirely sure why, but it wasn’t for cliched make-the-bullies-laugh at school reasons, because I did—and they still hit me.  That was a lot more to do with me being obviously poorer and shyer in a school […]

Stand Up

Next Friday (26th November) I’m doing a brief set as part of this Stand up Comedy thing. I’ve not written the act, as such, yet—but it’ll probably be something to do with beards.

Sweary News

I and she do a radio show, The Big Paws, on the award winning Rhubarb Radio. This isn’t a plea to listen to that (although please do), but to give a little focus on a bit of the show that you may not have heard. The Sweary News is the news, but sweary. It’s funnier […]

Hitler’s tache

Richard Herring has decided to live for a week with a Hitler moustache and see how people react. All in the name of comedy of course.

Good causes, but didn’t it used to be funny?

It’s a box-ticking, event-telly-by-numbers mentality, and it made for the most tedious and unsatisfying Comic Relief Night since…the last one. These jamborees are not getting any better as they get older. They’re not getting any better as you get older either. The silliness of their – and your – early years is long gone. Likewise […]

Danny Smith on when comedy is “just a bit shit”

“Wehn is a German fella that’s looks like a cross between a scrotal sack and a sock puppet made by an abusive uncle, and his entire act rests on his nationality, and our own racist perceptions of it. Now some of you are thinking “Wow, his act must be a post-modern critique of nationalist perceptions, […]

Radio Free Horse Shit For The Garden

If you like the Two Ronnies your first thought when using the word Rhubarb is probably “manure”, but no more. At least until they run out of themes and end up doing a gardening-with-poo based show, Danny Smith et al’s Rhubarb Radio show puts all effluent fertilizer thoughts out of my head. It replaced them […]

URL-based twitter social-stand-up

I had a little idea earlier this evening, just a little URL-based one liner – so I twittered it. Some of my followers/followees joined in (and thanks to : catnip bluemilkshake editorialgirl graphiquillan kevin_rapley LloydDavis podnosh probablydrunk ) here’s the result. Quick lazyweb request, can someone build a twitter conversation reorderer that presents nice – […]