Tag Archives: art

Someone Once Told Me

Here I am, looking a little grumpy, as part of Mario Cacciottolo’s really rather lovely ‘Someone Once Told Me‘ project.

The Illuminati Club

The End of the Line

When I organised the 11-11-11 eleven hours on the eleven bus day I didn’t make it too clear to people that it was art — it tends to put people off. But I’ve had a slightly different version of the idea, one that’s simultaneously easier to get involved with and has a wider remit. The […]


I’ve just had a email inviting me to be in The17 for a “performance” in April (St George’s Day). I’m stupidly excited.

Campaign for Real Heritage

Are you fed up with “officials” deciding what’s important? Do you wish that history wasn’t just written by the winners? The losers, the outsiders, the real people have history too. It deserves recognition, YOUR history deserves a blue plaque. So now it can have one, the Campaign for Real Heritage will place a plaque anywhere, […]

Mark Lawson acts a bit of a presumptuous git

Mark Lawson in The Guardian: “Most art – and certainly the greatest examples – is private and exclusive, created by elite professionals for an audience of amateurs. Though touched by it, we cannot touch it. Schemes that physically involve the public in art or music are an important part of art, but should remain a […]

What made me weird

I know I’m weird, most people are but it takes a bit of self awareness and a sort of forthright bravery to admit it. Inspired by this blog post, here’s five things that made me weird: Monty Python — or the realisation that humour didn’t need to be dumb at least.  It’s probably the ‘Marxism […]

Slow, birds crossing

A former artist-in-residence with the St. Paul Public Works department, sculptor Steven Woodward came up with the idea of using art signs to slow down drivers. wcco.com – St. Paul’s Traffic Art Signs

Hello sailor

Jodie Silsby has produced the Portsmouth Vernacular Map. Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! A lovingly created map of Portsmouth with roads replaced by local phrases (there’s also a dictionary). Super, it almost makes you want to move there. Apparently London is next for the treatment — come do Birmingham instead please. (via D’log)

Bus stop swing

Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! It almost makes you want to wait for a bus. Via Wooster Collective: Bruno Taylor’s Playful Spaces