up yer Brum – it’s Digg for Brum

up yer Brum is my latest project, the idea originally was simply a sort of ‘Brum Blogs’ aggregator, but it’s got a lot more complicated. The front page shows items on the web (technorati, dell.icio.us, flickr, youtube )tagged ‘upyerbrum’ – as well as the most popular links already submitted – and lets people vote on them or submit them to the ‘digg’ part of the site.

It uses Pligg, an open source digg clone, Magpie RSS as well as some nice php and css that I’ve got to grips with specially for this project. I really hope that it’ll take off, although the ‘launch’ is making me a bit nervous – I think it’s the thing that I’ve invested most time in for ages.

Try it, carefully now…

up yer Brum :: promoting the best of Birmingham on the web

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