Tag Archives: video

11 route, frame-by-frame

Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! YooouuuTuuube sort of cascades You Tube vids frame-by-frame across your browser. Hypnotic.

Google Street View fly-by

Using a route planner for Google Maps, and a screen capture app to capture the screen. This is sort of what it would look like to drive from King’s Heath towards the town centre — the route was going further, but there were gaps in which roads were covered by Street View.

Mark Steel – Video Lectures Online

Free downloads of some of Mark’s TV lecture series. The man may only really do one joke (“see this thing of historical or political importance, it’s a bit like when you lose your shoes isn’t it?”), but he does it with panache and is possibly the only person who I find myself never disagreeing with. […]

YouTube – Doctor Who: What are you doing here?

YouTube – Doctor Who: What are you doing here?

stuff yourself silly

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgbtPmLY6uE] This hampster is really going for it. Via: Neatorama » Blog Archive » Hamster Vacuum

hamster car in video

[youtube:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Vlt8u5lF9nY] (in pictures)(via)

cat that plays the theramin

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ONJfp95yoE] (kthanx)


I’m not one to resist a meme, not when it’s as good a statement of intent of use of Flickr’s new video sharing as Fridgets, people showing you what’s in their fridges.

the truth about T5


bastard type

Kinematic typography is just text that moves – but this post on Always Watching rounds up the best movie and TV scenes told by only type. Like this one from Psycho: [youtube:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XFzgesM2Uk4]