Tag Archives: flickr

Campaign for Real Heritage

Are you fed up with “officials” deciding what’s important? Do you wish that history wasn’t just written by the winners? The losers, the outsiders, the real people have history too. It deserves recognition, YOUR history deserves a blue plaque. So now it can have one, the Campaign for Real Heritage will place a plaque anywhere, […]

Flickr’s new revenue model?

Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! No seen this before.


I’m not one to resist a meme, not when it’s as good a statement of intent of use of Flickr’s new video sharing as Fridgets, people showing you what’s in their fridges.

penguino central

AntarcticM on flickr is lucky enough to work at the South Pole, and she gets to take brilliant up-close photos of the wildlife. So penguins and seals galore

passive aggressive notes

The Passive Aggressive Notes Flickr group is full of the kind of notes left by people in shared houses that are really angry, but too polite to shout.

Sometimes you need a little help making decisions

So that’s where Flickr Fight comes in. It’s a little toy I made to bring the power of Flickr into everyday decision-making – just type in two words and see which one wins. Here’s a few of my favourite so far: Daddy Vs Chips Cats Vs Dogs Rock Vs Disco

Mailbox – Bang and Olufsen

Mailbox – Bang and Olufsen Originally uploaded by bounder I know they only seem to sell kit to professional footballers (a guy that worked there once told me that that month they’d only sold one system to Lee Hendrie) – but a big advert featuring Ken Bates?

You can’t have it

Where as I say “gowan then” to people who ask to use my Flickr pics, there’s a certain type of people that seemingly don’t want you to even see theirs. D_morton (who probably doesn’t want the link ; ) ) always puts “You may not use, copy or print my photographic image files without my […]

Oh noes!

Oh noes! Originally uploaded by bounder Remind me to back up my apps when I get back in.

Birmingham Beach

Birmingham Beach, originally uploaded by MartianMarvin. People can hate as much as they like, I still think that this is an interesting juxtaposition between technology, history and frivolity.