Tweets for Today

  • 22:25 quiz FAIL #
  • 00:06 bed is welcome. Cats are in. I must read more poetry. #
  • 00:25 have just bought #
  • 09:09 a aeioux great, can you let me know when you’ve changed front page? thanks #
  • 10:36 The Big Picture has got enough photos to break the World Record, thanks to everyone who added theirs. woo, yay and woot etc! #
  • 12:11 Interview with Sir CLive Sinclair (yay) #
  • 12:48 restarting for mac update. #
  • 14:13 Fail Whale’s holiday snaps #
  • 18:38 I’m thinking about getting some gigantic business cards A3? in order to rail against the (admittedly cool and cute) unbiquity of the Moo #

Squidged out by LoudTwitter

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