Tweets for Today

  • 20:01 @twm_driver #
  • 20:44 testing #brumcc hashtag for the election tweeting #
  • 09:09 @paulbradshaw don’t think you can get an rss of a search from flickr tag rss onlu #
  • 09:13 @paulbradshaw very possibly, you can get search results through the api #
  • 09:23 #brumcc off to vote in Moseley. #
  • 09:35 #brumcc who knew there was an independent candidate in Moseley? Why waste money standing if you’re not going to compete? #
  • 10:16 @jezhiggins my mistake – Gaston didn’t want, or didn’t have the Respect logo. shows i’d already made up mt mind ;) #
  • 11:01 Brum election agregator – – so far #brumcc’d tweets and flickrs tagged vote & birminghamuk (none yet!) #
  • 11:02 Brum election agregator – – suggestions for other feeds welcome #
  • 11:10 @catnip #brumcc had to bet @catnip a fiver that she wouldn’t vote to get her to do it ;) #
  • 12:12 @sixball what ward? #
  • 12:37 @sixball harbourne is loldierdre’s patch, although i don’t think she’s up #
  • 12:40 @sixball she’s not it’s her husband (and ex mayor John) #
  • 12:44 @sixball #brumcc there’s a list of candidates (pdf) on the council site – tory safe seat i think #
  • 13:08 @probablydrunk and now you’re heading into work? #
  • 13:33 @peteashton yup, will do #
  • 14:11 @paulbradshaw have done once or twice (years ago)- it’s covered in dog shit #
  • 14:16 @paulbradshaw chelsea v liverpool must have been there… #
  • 15:33 @BhamPostJoanna hmm alreadya limit bycatergory/invitation? Are theyplatform or ‘editorial’? nowt wrong with a bit of polite controversy ;) #
  • 15:36 @joannageary think it works ok. Got many people that only interact with one or the other? (quick replies as I’m very bored ;) ) #
  • 15:45 @BhamPostJoanna so do i, i think — so the answer is no to ‘limiting’ — to help, guide and support, as you no doubt do, is the way then #
  • 16:13 @Azeem_A it’s tweets from the Brum bot, blog posts and dleicious links tagged birminghamuk and selected local nees feeds – can add more… #
  • 16:24 @Azeem_A if you’re on @mawhin_bot1 ‘s friend list (it finds and follows brummies) then all your tweets are scanned for ’emotions’ #

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