Tweets for Today

  • 18:00 @TomScotney that’s very very #middleclass ;) (and I suspect you meant it to sound so) #
  • 18:04 are flickr RSS feeds down for anyone else? #
  • 18:27 It’s #Flickr ‘upload by email’ that’s down. (although I haven’t seen a new cat in my ‘all photos tagged cat’ RSS feed for a while either) #
  • 11:10 in meeting at Service Birmingham. Place is like Fort Knocks. Will look for the vault full of captia gold. #
  • 13:56 @joannageary unique (base it on URL) #
  • 14:06 @joannageary try it in the preview-most things should be unique anyway in those feeds. Depending on the XML there will be a tag for the link #
  • 14:07 Kahlid Mamood (sp?) MP for Perry Barr definately doesn’t want a Brum Mayor – on Five Live now #
  • 14:14 @joannageary which feeds are you comparing? the ‘unique’ field needs to be in most (and be unique) ? #
  • 14:14 @mawhin it probably means he doesn’t think he could get the job… #
  • 15:03 @peteashton did you find this one? #

Squidged out by LoudTwitter

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