Tweets for Today

  • 20:33 doing somw WP upgrades. New 2.5 admin is startlingly different #
  • 21:46 @podnosh what’s the alternative? #
  • 21:50 @podnosh very very little scope for customisation – a charge for your own css, charge for your url #
  • 21:52 @podnosh and no embeding of flash in posts from what i remember #
  • 21:57 @podnosh although, updating 6 or 7 installations as i am now, I’m coming round to the singal install idea (and thought of a way it may work) #
  • 22:03 @podnosh oo-er missus. i may well have a go next week if i get time #
  • 22:27 loving automatic updates of WP-pugins under 2.5 #
  • 11:33 @aeioux that _is_ a good idea #
  • 13:02 @marcreeves sounds like a nerdydinosaur ;) May be the best I’ve heard yet tho’ #
  • 15:50 @bluemilkshake I’ve done 6 with no issues – looks like a stable update #

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