Tag Archives: fun

Select the kittens

Microsoft have released a proper cat captcha programme (catcha?). Thanks to the now back, oh how you’ve been missed, D’log.

Mailbox – Bang and Olufsen

Mailbox – Bang and Olufsen Originally uploaded by bounder I know they only seem to sell kit to professional footballers (a guy that worked there once told me that that month they’d only sold one system to Lee Hendrie) – but a big advert featuring Ken Bates?


Bob Dylan invents lolcats You’ll have to click, can’t find where in the source the flashcode is hid. Site is incredibly flaky (and sending only worked on a PC in IE7) but it’s still very cool.


A tribute that doesn’t include Nessun Dorma in any way.

Pie Day

Pork Pie In A Bow Tie : originally uploaded by bounder. today is Pie Day.