Tag Archives: flash


it's 'HD' Tetris, impossible. – Tetoris.

Jimmy Hill Verses The Jam

The other thing we used to do, instead or at the same time as making books, was testing out the capabilities of Flash — by making things like this:

Friends and sweary flash

Almost ten years ago, I was working at friends of ED — a web design book firm. The imprint is still going, but is owned by an American publisher rather than two brothers who set up shop in Acock’s Green. For a couple of years it rode the “creative” wave of flash design, which in […]

gorgeous, pointless, inspirational

ColorFlip.com by Rafaël Rozendaal, collection of Sébastien de Ganay (via)


Remember Mauwkie, the cat that followed your mouse pointer? Well this girl does too, which is slighty more creepy. (via)