Category Archives: video

cat that plays the theramin

[youtube:] (kthanx)

screensaver that makes a splash

I wouldn’t often recomend paying money for a screensaver – heck there’s tons around for free, and by definition they don’t go when you’re looking at your screen – but this one (which costs $15 to buy) is simply stunning: [youtube:]

lego history

A photographer from the Midlands spends ages building lego scenes from photographic history. Real Player video.

the truth about T5


windows the musical

code code code is a heart-wrenching paean to lost love, lyrics mostly written in basic.

DIY/male grooming live

bambuser is a service where your can stream from your phone or webcam – live. Today I watched Pete Ashton pull out excess eyebrow hairs. I can’t say tweezed, because he used a pair of pliers. You can watch the archive, I’m claiming it was my idea.

bastard type

Kinematic typography is just text that moves – but this post on Always Watching rounds up the best movie and TV scenes told by only type. Like this one from Psycho: [youtube:]