- 18:11 i’m not on the bus #
- 18:31 what happens if you’re "on the bus" but use spaces when typing ? #
- 18:57 tweetsonthebus.wordpress.com/ #
- 19:33 Some integestion remedy has ripped off the OK GO! treadmills video for an advert. Gah. they should get on the bus and complain. #
- 19:52 @twm_driver think you should answer one question a week #
- 19:56 @twm_driver although it would be funny if they were all "how much to town, mate?" #
- 21:24 #IMAP Support Disappears From #Gmail (snurl.com/24nru), shite that knackers up me #iPhone – please let it be a glitch #
- 21:30 #IMAP Support Disappears From #Gmail (snurl.com/24nru) – glitch I think, have been testing #
- 22:12 @simonhowes always have had, rumour was that they’s switched it off #
- 09:24 My fave tweet on the b*s so far: tinyurl.com/636voq #
- 10:41 @TomScotney I worked on (and learned from) earlier books in this series snurl.com/24pv6 Haven’t read the latest one. #
- 11:45 @simonhowes how so? weird and fantastical #
- 13:02 #skipwatch snurl.com/24q7g #
- 14:47 cribbed the Wikipedia entry for Chinny as the basis of the one for brumguide.com "spent 3 years wandering aimlessly through the Himalayas" #
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