Tweets for Today

  • 10:12 @LloydDavis that program (in connection to computers) isn’t spelt "programme" #
  • 10:40 @BhamPostJoanna no video for me either #
  • 10:46 @aeioux yes – i can see you #
  • 12:43 @aeioux a city is a machine for living in (with apoligies to Le Corbussier) #
  • 12:49 @aeioux fashions change – there would have been thousands in the 1800s #
  • 13:50 @simonhowes we’ve hosted it for years – a friend of @catnip made it #
  • 13:57 @BhamPostJoanna you can ignore it without people getting narky (unlike email or phonecalls) #
  • 14:20 @hanuman some spam, some bots, some will be the people who just want to get thousands of these new angled "interweb friends" #
  • 14:39 @aeioux go and sit in the very quiet BBC cafe – gusto’s wifi just reaches there ;) #

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